Genealogy or Family History?

A family history can be much more interesting than just names and dates. Finding their stories helps us understand our ancestors' lives, struggles and achievements.
Use the drop-down menus or the search field above to find the various free genealogy resources on this site, including information resources and the lists of useful links prepared for courses I teach. Check out the main family names that I am researching. See what I've been writing in my blog.
If you need a professional genealogist, I can help you to find details about your ancestors including background information that provide insights into their lives. Or perhaps you need help understanding your DNA test results and what to do next. Contact directly for more information.
BOOK: Arrivals in Australia from 1788
Understanding categories of arrivals and the immigration schemes in place, plus where documents are held, will give you confidence that you have looked in all the right places. Click here for further details of the eBook or here for a printed copy.
DNA for Genealogists (4th edition)
Learn how genealogists can use DNA testing to enrich their family history research. This book explains DNA in simple terms and discusses the various tests available. Click here for further details of the eBook or here for a printed copy.
Handy Guide:
GEDmatch, Tools for DNA and Genealogy Research (2nd edition)
GEDmatch is a free website providing additional tools for people who have already tested their autosomal DNA. Click here for further details of the eBook or here for a printed copy.
Handy Guide:
DNA Chromosome Mapping
Chromosome mapping is a technique to identify from which ancestor we inherited particular DNA & how to use that information. Click here for further details of the eBook or here for a printed copy.